Saturday, January 31, 2015

The endocannabinoid system at the end of time.

"...THE KEY FITS! We have the perfect system already established within ourselves."

There’s a lot of stuff happening recently, like the ever increasing liberation of cannabis, Shiva on Earth. We’ve had many Big $cams perpetrated against us as a species over the last century, and the cannabis scam is surely one of the biggest. 

When I first came into contact with cannabis at the tender age of 13, I knew that somehow this substance was to play an important part in my life. 

By the age of 16 I had donned a suit, boarded a train to London and patiently waited for an MP at the houses of Parliament to meet with me to discuss the legalisation of cannabis. He never turned up.

By the age of 18 I’d saved £450 and had boarded a boat to Holland, to start a new life working in a coffee shop in Amsterdam. Problem was, I didn’t speak any Dutch and couldn’t get a job. Well, I was young and naive but the passion and dream to pursue cannabis in all its glory, to learn ever more about it, to be around it, has always been with me. 

For me, cannabis has always been a holy sacrament, friend, balancer of my emotions and stimulator of my mind. I love it in all its forms. I sip hempseed oil every day. I sometimes inhale the vapour of it. I sometimes drop the tincture of it under my tongue and I try to grow at least a few plants wherever I am, if at all possible. 

By the age of 28 I was working full time at London’s biggest medicinal cannabis clinic as a consultant, researcher and diet/lifestyle consultant. This is when I really began to understand how powerful cannabis was medicinally. This is where I learned about Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, so-called AIDS and other chronic diseases. I was the ‘clean cut’ guy who didn’t smoke the vapouriser at work. I knew that cannabis was a powerful medicine but at that point there was not nearly so much information about and I still felt that it was mainly a palliative medication. Truth be told, I was much keener on using medicinal cannabis as a platform to spread important knowledge about hygienic healthcare as opposed to the drug-medical model. Whilst others in the organisation were talking strains and brewing tinctures, I was making colloidal silver and writing out dietary healing protocols. It all worked very nicely and over the three years that I was there, we created a place where over 1500 registered patients could not only safely access the various cannabis medicines that they required (with a letter of diagnosis) but also learn how to take control of their health naturally.

However, it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that the coin really dropped about how cannabis, especially the extracted oil, can actually heal serious diseases and not just ameliorate the symptoms.

And it wasn’t until about a year ago that the coin dropped about something called the endocannabinoid system that exists in (and around) the brains of not just human beings but all mammalian life on Earth

In 2013 I spent 9 months in the highlands of Gran Canaria learning as much as I could about how to grow cannabis outdoors. I put myself in relative isolation and lived in a Cave house on a small plot of land. During this time I also spent long hours reading and watching all the testimonials that are spreading across the Internet. 

“How can it be?” I would wonder, “that one plant can heal not just a few diseases...but MOST of them, very often without the patient making any real dietary or lifestyle choices?” This went against my Natural Hygiene learning, which states emphatically that the human knows well how to heal itself without the interference of any medications at all, including herbal preparations. I knew it was true, because the testimonials were genuine and plentiful. I knew it was true because the scientific papers on government websites were showing it to be so. I just couldn’t work out exactly how.

Now, I’m no scientist and don’t wish to be. I’m primarily a metaphysician who is awaiting the Golden Age and the creation of the Spiritual Light Body. So I desired to garner a more metaphysical understanding of cannabis. And so I prayed for that.

Having been to India over 20 times and being an initiate of a famous India guru, I was aware that there was a close connection between cannabis and the Hindu deity Lord Shiva. So that’s where I began my search. I found out that cannabis, according to ancient Indian scriptures, was indeed an aspect of Lord Shiva Himself, it was actually ‘Him’ as a physical expression on Earth. I learned that it was likely that when the Milky Ocean (Milky Way) was being churned by the Deva (demi-gods) and Asuras (demons), Shiva created cannabis from His own body to purify the mixture.

One of the mantras that I’ve learned in India is Sai Shivo Hum. This can be loosely translated as I AM Sai Shiva. I’ve learned from metaphysical studies that I AM is the name of God. 

I AM Shiva is cannabis. 

OK, so it was now getting clearer to me that cannabis was more than ‘just another healing herb’, it was a deity. I’ve learned through study, practice and initiation that I AM not different from God (it’s only my perception that needs to be expanded in order to fully realise it). So, Shiva is an aspect of the I AM THAT I AM, which means that cannabis is an aspect of the I AM THAT I AM.

The Science.

So how does this translate into science? The answer came to me...the key words are:‘endocannabinoid system’

“The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is defined as the signalling system composed of: (1) the two G‐protein‐coupled receptors known as cannabinoid receptors of type‐1 and ‐2 (CB1 and CB2); (2) the two most studied endogenous agonists of such receptors, the endocannabinoids anandamide (N‐arachidonoyl‐ethanolamine) and 2‐AG (2‐arachidonoyl‐glycerol); (3) enzymes and other proteins regulating the tissue levels of endocannabinoids; and (4) enzymes and other proteins that, together with endocannabinoids, regulate the activity of cannabinoid receptors. A key role of the ECS is emerging in the control not only of central and peripheral nervous system functions, but also of most aspects of mammalian physiology, including energy intake, processing and storage, the immune response, reproduction and cell fate. The ECS is also subject to dysregulation, and this seems to contribute to the symptoms and progress of several diseases.”

It took a few months for it all to sink in, about how this key piece of neurobiological science had been hidden from even me. I learned that most of those training to be doctors simply don’t learn about it at medical college. So I meditated...and reflected...and linked up the science with the metaphysics...and truth be told I’m really quite staggered still: this is MASSIVE NEWS!  

As often occurs, I found myself trying to condense and simplify healthcare information to someone who didn’t know too much about it. He had asked me to explain to him, in a nutshell, why cannabis was healing such a wide range of diseases. I took a big breath and mentally reminded myself not to get too passionate when I replied.

“It’s like this” I said. “The cat’s out of the bag now. We now know about something called the human endocannabinoid system. It’s a fully developed system with receptors and stuff in the human brain. We now know that cannabinoids, such as those found in cannabis, connect with these receptors, called CB1, CB2 etc. So it’s like – THE KEY FITS! – we have the perfect system already established within ourselves. So when you ingest cannabis preparations, such a oil or whatever, you are literally re-programming that system to create healthy cells rather than cancerous cells or whatever. IT’S THE GREAT BALANCER! We didn’t even know this at London’s biggest mediweed dispensary for all those years! Most of the world still hasn’t got it yet...but it’s coming! Oh yes it is, thick and fast now the scientific papers are being published. We were MADE FOR CANNABIS!...but please don’t misunderstand me. Smoking joints and bongs is the lowest way to use this plant, it has many good effects but it’s not where the real magic is.”

I was born to love magic. I was born to love Sai Baba as well; to serve and experience and attain Him.  Sai is Shiva, when He wants to be. He is Shakti as well. And He is both at the same time. I’ve witnessed this directly. I’ve witnessed the emergence of a golden lingham from the mouth of Lord Shiva Sai Himself. I’ve held that lingham and I’ve seen it expand as creation. I’ve not forgotten what I experienced. 

We are at the most important point of our evolution for this cosmic day, of that I’m sure. I’m also fairly sure that Sai Baba has already returned and is probably in physical form again, in His True Form, in Prashanti Nilayam, Puttarparti, India. 


(Something wonderful is about to happen)